Sousse’s Riadh Palms Hotel was the venue, on 4th April, 2019, for the launch of the Rev’ACTE project (Réseau des Villes Alliées pour le Climat et la Transition Energétique – Network of Allied Cities for the Climate and Energy Transition). A product of the ACTE programme (Alliance des Communes pour la Transition Energétique – Alliance of Towns for Energy Transition), the network will bring together several Tunisian towns in order to exchange views on improving technical and managerial expertise and transfer know-how within the network, but also to put in place and make use of common tools. A regional exchange network could be established.
The instigator of this programme and of the network is the ANME, Tunisia’s National Agency for Energy Management, in partnership with Switzerland’s REPIC platform, the French Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME), MedCités and the Institute of Development, the Environment and Energy (IDE-E).