Co-organised by MEDENER, the Association of national agencies for energy management in Mediterranean countries, and by Euromed Cities Network, a network of more than 100 Euro-Mediterranean cities, this round table addresses the issue of scaling-up and fostering innovative tools for energy efficient buildings. It aims at bringing together cities and national agencies from Northern and Southern Mediterranean countries to build a shared vision on challenges and solutions for implementing an inclusive and sustainable energy transition adapted to the Mediterranean area.
The session focused on innovative tools for energy efficient buildings, a key topic for energy transition. Buildings are responsible for 30 to 40% of energy demand and heavily contribute directly and indirectly to greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore, a close-up on the Mediterranean area is needed due to its special features: a fast growing energy demand, partly due to cooling needs; and the urgent need for energy efficiency policies that match the current demographic trends and urban development. Besides, substantial energy savings are possible in the building sector, especially in the South Mediterranean, where over 50 million new dwellings are expected to be built over the next decades. In 2040, buildings consumption would be 22% lower according to the Energy Transition Scenario proposed by OME/MEDENER (2016).
Both national entities and cities are key players in implementing policies for reaching this scenario. This session was an occasion to discuss the challenges in terms of technology development, funding tools and policy implementation for efficient buildings, while showcasing different policies and projects drivers and conditions for a successful scaling-up of innovative strategies. It also helped define ways forward by prioritizing sectors and challenges for regional cooperation.
The event took place on the 19 june 2019- 17h15 – 19:45 in Room Jenkins – Charlemagne Building – Brussels.
Our special guests at the conference
Pictures of the event