A program for Energy efficiency in buildings (PEEB)

Morocco and Tunisia among 5 Mediterranean pilot countries for the PEEB programme

MEDENER and RCREEE launch meetMED II project | 30 March 2021

MEDENER and RCREEE launch a second phase of collaboration on EE in buildings and appliances for meetmed II project

APRUE adopts a new organization and a new communication strategy | 11 December 2020

Algeria is resolutely engaged into a voluntary energy transition process, through the adoption of a Governmental action plan, based on the program of the President of the Republic, which gives an important place to energy transition, considered a necessity and a strategic choice for Algeria. 

Revue de presse Mai- Juillet 2020 | 10 September 2020

Avec l’appui d’Econostrum.info, MEDENER relaie des actualités sur la transition énergétique en méditerranée...